Snow report 01/03/2024


March is here and we are celebrating Happy Baba Marta. However, we are not as happy with the dry week we had. Hopes are raised for March to bring new and much waited snow and it did. Read on to see how the snow conditions in the past few days have been in Bansko.

snow report Bansko 01-03-2024 Traventuria Ski Blog

Friday (01.03) – Baba Marta snow arrived in the upper parts of the resort. Snow started to fall after 10:00 am up on the mountain and continued to do so for the whole day.

Slopes and Snow

With no new natural snowfall over the past week and with warmer temperatures, the situation is with typical spring skiing conditions, which were: slopes were ok in the mornings and after lunch time the snow get slushy and wet. Thankfully the snow was back this morning. Started snowing after 10:00 am and it has been snowing up on the mountain all day. Raining was at the bottom in the town.

snow report Bansko 01-03-2024 Traventuria Ski Blog

Mornings were better than the afternoons, but new snow and colder temperatures are already here.

Open Slopes and Lifts

All slopes are open except for Ski Road 2 and Tsarna Mogila.
All lifts are open except for Banderitsa 2, Plato and Starna Mogila.

snow report Bansko 01-03-2024 Traventuria Ski Blog

All slopes are open except Ski Road 2 and Tsarna Mogila; Bansko, 29.02

snow report Bansko 01-03-2024 Traventuria Ski Blog

All lifts are open except for Banderitsa 2, Plato and Starna Mogila. image:

Weather Forecast

The snow forecast for Bansko is for moderate fall of snow, heaviest on Saturday (02.03) morning. Freeze-thaw conditions (max 1°C on Monday (04.03) afternoon, min -3°C on Saturday (02.03) night). Wind will be generally light.
A heavy fall of snow (heaviest) is expected for Monday (04.03) night. Temperatures will be below freezing (max -1°C on Wednesday afternoon, min -5°C on Monday night). Winds decreasing (fresh winds from the NNW on Tue night, calm by Wed morning).

snow report Bansko 01-03-2024 Traventuria Ski Blog

Heavier snow fall expected for Monday (04.03) night. Bansko, 29.02.24

Stay tuned

Ski & Board Traventuria is a leading provider of lift passes, equipment rental, airport transfers, and ski school for the Bansko area. To book your next ski vacation in Bansko with us, please check our website –

If you would like to stay updated with the latest snow reports and news from Bansko, you can follow us on FacebookInstagramGoogleor visit our blog.

Sources: photos: Annie Paykova, weather:, snow conditions: Shred Together and The Bansko Notice Board;

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