Snow report 08/03/2024


The new snow report from Bansko Ski Blog of Traventuria is here. Enjoy reading and get ready for your ski holiday in March!

snow report Bansko 08-03-2024 Traventuria ski Blog

Perfect skiing conditions in Bansko, 08.03.24

It is Friday the 8th of March – Happy International Women’s Day to all the ladies reading our blog!

Now, let’s get back to the snow and slope conditions in our favourite ski resort – Bansko.

snow report Bansko 08-03-2024 Traventuria Ski Blog

New snowfall, 07.03.24, Bansko

Snow and Slopes

We had some good snowfall yesterday and the day before (06/03 and 07/03) adding another 20 to 30 cm of fresh snow on all of the slopes. The drop in overnight temperatures has had a positive effect on the new snow by driving a lot of the moisture out of it. Thus, today Bansko offered great skiing conditions, the weather was mostly quiet and sunny, with -7 degrees at Todorka slopes (2550m) (15km/h wind) and +1.5 degrees at Banderishka Polyana (1600m). The current snow cover is 55 cm at Banderishka Polyana (1620m) and 125 cm at Todorka (2550m).
However, attention! – higher avalanche alert is on. Make sure you ski on the slopes and strictly follow all safety marks. Off-piste skiing/snowboarding is not recommended at the moment.

snow report 08-03-2024 Traventuria Ski Blog

Great weather in Bansko Ski Resort

Slopes and Lifts

All slopes are open except for Tsarna Mogila, Chalin Valog and Ski road 2.
All lifts are open except for Vlek Chalin and Tsarna Mogila.

snow report Bansko 08-03-24 Traventuria Ski Blog

Open slopes and lifts in Bansko as of 08.03.24, image:

Weather Forecast

Some new snowfall is expected for today again after 5 pm. However, more like a dust of snow.
Heavier fall of snow is expected during Tuesday (12/03) night. Overall freeze-thaw conditions with max 4°C on Monday (11/03) afternoon, min -5°C on Wednesday (13/03) night. Winds will be decreasing. However, strong winds from the SSW will be on Monday (11/03) afternoon, calming down by Tuesday (12/03) night.

snow report Bansko 08-03-2024 Traventuria Ski Blog

New heavier snowfall is expected for Tuesday night

Stay tuned

Ski & Board Traventuria is a leading provider of lift passes, equipment rental, airport transfers, and ski school for the Bansko area. To book your next ski vacation in Bansko with us, please check our website –

If you would like to stay updated with the latest snow reports and news from Bansko, you can follow us on FacebookInstagramGoogleor visit our blog.

Sources: photos: Annie Paykova, weather:, snow conditions: Shred Together and Avalanche Bulgaria;

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