Snow report 11/03/2023


Here is todays snow report- around a month left before the end of the season. Recently Facebook is notifying me of a few memories from March in the last 5 years. So much snow! The situation now is in a full contrast with last years. Not just the snow cover is scanty, but the weather is so hot that the snow is very, very slushy. Although there is no official closing date, usually the season finishes at the end of the first or the second week of April. I am personally doubting this will be possible this year if a miracle doesn’t happen.

Slushy slopes

Slushy slopes

Skiing conditions

As I have reported a multiple times already, your only good chance of some a-little-bit-better skiing is to go up the slopes at 8:30 AM sharp. Then the ski zone has just opened and there are not many people on the top. Therefore the snow is at its best shape for the day. Waiting time today is not much- less than 5-10 minutes on each lift, inclusive the gondola. Banderishka Meadow looked crowded today, but there are enough slopes opened for everyone.

Banderisha Meadow

Banderisha Meadow

All of the slopes are working, expect of Chalin Valog which is in the lower part of the mountain. The ski road is also operating, but I wouldn’t recommed using it as there are already areas with exposed rocks and greenary. You will have to take off your skis there and continue when you reach snow parts again. The beginner area at Banderishka Meadow is also working at the moment, but the conditions are hardly suitable with snow sports. The higher you go in the mountain, the better experience you’ll have. There the snow is harder. At the lower parts small streams of water flow everywhere.

I am looking forward to a miracle. And if it happens, I will surely let you know! 

I am looking forward to a miracle. And if it happens, I will surely let you know! 

Stay tuned

Ski & Board Traventuria is a leading provider of lift passes, equipment rental, airport transfers, and ski school for the Bansko area. To book your next ski vacation in Bansko with us, please check our website –

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About Author

I've been born by the sea, but since I moved to Bansko, I fell in love with the mountains and the beauty of winter! I'm working for Traventuria for 5 years now and they've been the most amazing time in my life! I love skiing, meeting new people, and I am always happy to infect with emotions about the love of travel. It's a pleasure for me to share with you on this blog what's new and how to save money on ski packages and ski experiences but get the most of your time in Bansko and Borovets. I'll be happy to read your comments under my articles so we can share ideas about what's more to be said for the biggest Bulgarian winter resorts!

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