Snow Report: December 19th, 2017


The season has officially begun here in Bansko! To top that off, it’s been snowing for the last two days and the forecast is for cold temperatures throughout the week. The snow cannons are working as well and things are looking good for the Christmas holidays.

The top of the ski area.

The lifts currently working are the gondola, Plato, Bunderitza 1 & 2, Shiligarnik, Kolarski and the beginner’s area on Bunderishka Poliana. The remaining lifts, yet to open are Mosta, Chalin Valog and Todorka. There are no lift lines, which is typical for this time of year and most of the bars and restaurants are open. Lift passes will continue to be discounted at 30lv per day.

The top of the Plato ski run.

At the moment, mainly the top half of the mountain is open, with the lowers slopes to be opening soon. Open were the Plato slopes, The top of the Banderiza and Balkaniada slopes up until the lift’s midways station, the Kolarski and Kotva slopes. Closed are all of the runs below the Bunderitza lift midway station. The N.5 and N.10 ski runs were closed as well, meaning you’d have to take the lift down from the Plato back to the gondola. The alternative was to ski down the closed Shiligarnika runs (N.5 & N.10), but this is at your own risk since the slopes were closed today.

Snow cannons working their magic on the N.10 slope.

The resort management has announced that tomorrow (December 20th) they will open the N.10 slope, connecting the Plato with the lower part of the mountain. Followed by the Todorka and Balkaniada runs. The conditions on the Shiligarnika runs are good, with the snow cannons working even during the day and we’ll likely see them open in the following days. No clue on when the ski road will open, but it will probably be after the next snowfall.

The snowcats will be working until late tonight.

Ski & Board Traventuria is a leading provider of lift passes, equipment rental, airport transfers and ski school for the Bansko area. To book your next ski vacation in Bansko with us, please check our website –

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About Author

I've been born by the sea, but since I moved to Bansko, I fell in love with the mountains and the beauty of winter! I'm working for Traventuria for 5 years now and they've been the most amazing time in my life! I love skiing, meeting new people, and I am always happy to infect with emotions about the love of travel. It's a pleasure for me to share with you on this blog what's new and how to save money on ski packages and ski experiences but get the most of your time in Bansko and Borovets. I'll be happy to read your comments under my articles so we can share ideas about what's more to be said for the biggest Bulgarian winter resorts!

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